RVS dog-tags (Drone ID)


Our RVS dog-tags are fabricated out of noble metal and utterly appropriate for outside!

Door het onlangs ingevoerde ROC-light ontheffing. The RPAS as well as the groundstation (the sender), have to possess a dog-tag.

So you should possess 2 identical dog-tags. So you get two identical dog-tags.

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0-9 A-Z Ç Ö Ø Ü @ . , ? ! + – = :  _ ? = # * % & / ( )

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Please fill on line 1 your unique PH number!


Line 2

Line 3

Line 4

Line 5

SKU: droneplaatjes Category:


Our RVS dog-tags are fabricated out of noble metal and utterly appropriate for outside!
All the data can easily been put on these and the text is indelibly stamped!

Those who want to fly on a professional level with their drone, are recently been required to register their drone due to the lately passed ROC-light exemption.

The RPAS as well as the groundstation (the sender), have to possess a dog-tag. So you should possess 2 identical dog-tags.

The RVS dog-tags are self-adhesive with 1 screw hole with a screw. Make sure that the underground is well dried and do not stick it on the top of the GPS receiver!
Search carefully for a place for the screw hole. In order to prevent an internal electron damage and to avoid that the frame weakens you should not just drill a hole in the body of the drone.


1. Request of a PH-number:

Just like any other registered civil aircraft your drone, with which you are going to fly on a professional level, has to be provided of a PH-number. This can be requested by the aircraft register, through phone 088-4890000.
Once you know the PH-number assigned to you, you can make a dog-tag for your RPAS.

2. Where/how to make a dog-tag:

Before the registration can be completed, the device must be provided with a dog-tag with the PH-number and the contact data of the person who operates the drone (Ideally: company name, email, phone number, address). You can order a dog-tag through us on the website www.dog-tag.nl

For more information please visit the webiste www.dronewatch.nl


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